Have switched gears from wedding planning mode to tax season mode recently, and am finding that I need a new 1 minute daily dance party song to make it through the next 2 weeks.
But instead, I started off the day by getting 4 vials of blood sucked out of me for the old annual and pre-wedding physicals. Last night, it bummed me out to realize that the 8 hour fasting period likely meant I should also stop drinking wine. The most exciting part of the whole experience was the magazine selection at Quest today. I arrived at 11 am and hadn't eaten since 2 AM. What was next to me on the table?
Have a look:
Thanks Quest!
But on the bright side, I'm hoping that having less blood might give me a quick free buzz when I have my dance party moment today.
While I am tempted to make the Little Lion Man or that other Mumford & Sons Song (the cave? ) my daily dance party song, I don't quite feel like square dancing today. And I'm not drunk in a bar, singalonging.
So I think I'm going with the beat that I've been coming home with in my head for awhile now.
There's something about it that makes me nostalgic for a dance circle in 1995 Cancun with Mr. Vain pumping.
I knew it as the Ooh baby Baby Song.
But it's actually called Hey Baby Drop It To the Floor, by Pitbull featuring TPain. Of course.
9 months ago