They are doing some repair work on our street today, so from 7AM until 5 PM, I will be water free. Ok, so I wasn't up at 7, but it's still a pretty rough thing to go through and has me thinking about all the stuff I had planned but cannot do today without this vital liquid. (And thinking of the people all over the world that have to deal with this all the time. It sucks big time.)
I started my day off forgetting that I could not
-Brush my teeth
-Wash my face
-Take a shower
-Shave my legs or pits
-Flush the toilet (note to self- Starbuck's visit may be in order)
-Make tea
-Drink water
-wash my hands after applying healthy glow lotion (translation- potentially orange palms)
So basically, without water, I am dirty and thirsty.
And kicking myself for not filling up the Brita and taking a shower last night.
It also has me thinking of other things I cannot do today, if I felt so inclined.
Like wash the car, water the plants, change the bong water, make mac-n-cheese, do the dishes or laundry, or make jello. And if I went for my afternoon run, I'd have to sit around with an even stinkier version of myself for a few hours, so I think I'll have to put that off for a bit.
Looks like I'll have to go sit on my deck with a book and a nice glass of wine, and wait for 5 o'clock to arrive. I am tempted to bathe in the cold ocean, but am now wondering if there is a well in Del Mar.
That sucks. Did your water come back on when it was supposed to?
EARLIER than anticipated!
gotta love san diego...that would never happen in bklyn. we would have been waterless all week, with no explanation.
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