Friday, October 17, 2008

smoke 4 a joke

Why is the morning after contraception pill called Plan B?

Because Plan A of cumming on her face didn't go so well.

As a side note, Don't you hate when they spell it "cum"? It really bothers me, and I cringe a little more than when I see "E-Z" Pass, or "Xmas".
Our email filters at an old job used to pick it up, and it made all the accountants pissy when their boring documents were delayed in the porn filter. They used to abbreviate "cumulative" as "cum." It took me a while to get used to, and to suppress the spontaneous chuckle while reviewing reports.

Leavin' on a Jet Plane

When did we swap "Jet Plane" for "Airplane"? I think Jet Plane has a much more adventurous ring to it, but I digress.
It's official! I booked a ticket to Australia and am leaving on Monday. Will be back in SD by Thanksgiving. Thanks so much to all of you who emailed me your travel tips, it's not too late to send more if you think of anything. I revised my itinerary below, and think I am now going to go to Barossa Valley and drink some wine, instead of Margaret River.

Oh, and btw- you *do* need a visa! Only took about 10 minutes online.
Potential Inconvenience #1 averted. whew.

The only sad news about this whole thing is that I have to give up my Madonna ticket. I am super bummed and will have to try & catch her in action somewhere else. Before she runs off with A-Rod.